Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Kate Moss - Versace Spring/Summer 2013 Campaign

I was recently browsing through some Images for a little bit of inspiration when I came across Kate Moss’ photo shoot for Versace’s 2013 Spring/Summer campaign shot by Mert & Marcus, at first glance I was really unsure as to whether or not I liked these images, and sat and stared at them trying to force myself to decide. 

It wasn’t until I came back a good twenty minutes later for a second glance that I realized what was throwing me off, it was her skin! What the daily mail described as “tanned but incandescent” just looked sweaty to me.

Another thing, which seemed to cement my opinion were the men! Fair enough some women may find this appealing but they just made me cringe!  For example the below image, The first thing my eyes were drawn to was the shininess (The BLINDING shininess) of all their skin, the second thing I noticed was the men…and the way they were posed, and yes I had a right good giggle to myself. Probably NOT the reaction Versace (Mert & Marcus) were hoping for with these images.  

As I continued to scroll through, my reaction was pretty much the same, although I will admit that I do actually quite like one image (Kate in the Aqua dress with Mr ‘Blue Steel’) and feel that the lighting works quite well, it’s not distracting and the image just seems to flow, but over all, I think the lighting just makes her look…well gross…and sweaty.

The article, which I stumbled upon, contained two more images featuring two other faces (Daria Werbowy and Joan Smalls) of the Versace campaign. The same lighting technique had been used and I felt that it worked MUCH better with these other two girls especially with Joan Smalls who looks absolutely stunning. The ‘shine’ just appeared a lot more natural and complimented the other girls well, whereas it didn’t seem to be doing much of anything for Kate.

Follow the link below and have a look for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Marc Jacobs tortures a talented young girl called Angel Barta. He's been stealing her designes for 5 years. He fooled her with love. Read the details with many evidences and spread the truth! Help!
