Recently I was asked by a friend to
photograph her wedding. Since I had never done anything like this before my
initial reaction was to say no and run as far away as possible. The idea put me into a panic. What if I
messed up? What If I missed a crucial moment? It was somebody’s big day and I
was in charge of capturing all of their special memories and the idea terrified
me. If I got something wrong it wasn’t as easy as getting them back into the
studio and doing it all over again. This was completely out of my comfort zone.
But she was adamant that she wanted me to
take her photographs so I did some heavy research into equipment and spent
hours flicking through wedding photographs. I contacted her and asked her if
she had any specific ideas in mind and her reply was ridiculously vague and she
told me she trusted me and I could do whatever I wanted. She also told me that
I had 45-60 minutes to take all of her photographs after the ceremony before
she had to head back for the reception. Which was good…but also really, really
bad, what If I did something that she absolutely hated? I had no room for error
with only 45-60 minutes to photograph her and her wedding party. So again…panic
I decided pretty early on that my best bet
would be to rent equipment. I rented EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L
USM and the 50mm f/1.8. I won’t lie when I first picked up the 70-200 I was a
little overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the thing, and a little bit
fascinated by the fact the lens had to be mounted on the tripod as opposed to
the camera body. So far so good, I was organized had my bags packed rearing to
go….Only problem, The wedding was tomorrow and I still hadn’t received the
address from the bride, She had already paid me in full, but had failed to let
me know where she was getting married despite my numerous e-mails and texts
(AND Lack of invitation) I eventually had to phone one of her bridesmaids and
she told me the location and times etc.

I’m just going to say it, the Groom was
MUCH easier to photograph, less stressed and really at ease around the camera,
I found it much easier to get candid photographs of the boys than I did of the
girls, Mostly because the girls seemed so ridiculously aware of where the
camera was AT ALL TIMES. I was finally beginning to feel confident again
when…they had to change locations because the wind was far too strong near the
water, so we re-located…to a tiny area (Which I’m going to say on a regular
basis is more than likely the smokers area for the tavern) The light was
horrendously harsh and all the guests were made to stand, so I set up my tripod
to ensure I had enough room. Again things were going smoothly UNTIL the groom’s
uncle took it upon himself to literally STAND INFRONT of me with his camera
EVERYTIME I tried to take a photograph (He even sat in the middle of the aisle
directly in front of the couple at one point during the ceremony, Bride looked
less than impressed to say the least) I
eventually managed to completely sidestep him and found a perfect spot to take
my photographs. I was pleasantly surprised at how at ease I was taking the
photographs and soon felt pretty confident in my abilities.

Overall I’m glad that I agreed to do
it. It was a fantastic experience, and I’m really proud of how well I handled
myself and proud of my images. It was fun to be apart of it all and watch
everything happening around me, Although in saying that I don’t know how
quickly I would agree to photograph another wedding haha!