Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Custom White Balance

Zero White Balance

So today I received in the mail my zero white balance filter made by Zerocs. This has got to be one of the best pieces of photography equipment I have ever bought since I started photography. This filter eliminates the use of a grey card, while it is quick and easy to use to get your custom white balance. Zerocs is a Korean based company which designed and produced this filter. It is a great investment for any photographer that is looking to get more out for their photographs, with richer and truer colours.
As an added bonus it only takes 30 seconds to use, so there is no excuse not to use it every time to have that custom white balance set for your camera and lighting conditions. All you need to do is once you have your shoot set up and know your correct exposure place the filter in front of your lens (if the lens is smaller that 77-82 mm) or attach to lens if it is 77 mm or 82 mm and take a picture then set that photo as your custom white balance in your camera setting and you are ready to go and shoot.

Get the white balance solution that is quickly becoming the preferred method of achieving accurate colour balance for professional photographers today. 
The Zero WB Filter creates a more natural compensation setting which is more accurate than the Auto White Balance provided by your camera.
**Simply read and set white balance with the Zero filter in place before shooting and you'll reduce or eliminate the need for post-capture colour adjustments**
After a Custom White Balance is set, the camera will distribute the red, green and blue colour levels to the correct colour balance. You can then continue photographing to achieve consistent results during the entire shoot.'' Source www.zerocs.com

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